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“They are NOT tired of fighting us.” And he commented on the signal Trump’s decision sent to the world: “By abandoning the Kurds we have sent the most dangerous signal possible — America is an unreliable ally and it’s just a matter of time before China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea act out in dangerous ways.“,In his cruelest cut of all, he compared Trump with Barack Obama. That’s the end of that race!It is never quite clear what goes on in Trump’s mind, but he understands that next year’s election will not be just a referendum on his shambolic and corrupt presidency: it will be a binary choice between two distinct futures.And that’s the problem for the Democrats.There are millions of voters who have been horrified by Trump’s presidency and are open to voting for a reasonable Democratic alternative — but not for a party that ignores or scares them. March 14, 2019. Even by the cynical and shape-shifting standards of Washington, Graham’s metamorphosis has been a thing of wonder. The Friday Cover is POLITICO Magazine's email of the week's best, delivered to your inbox every Friday morning.By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO.
Charles Sykes. When Mark Leibovich.Like many others in his party, staying “relevant” was central to their political calculations.
But on Syria, Trump didn’t bother to ask what he thought.President Donald Trump’s decision to abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria by leaving them undefended against a Turkish invasion was, Graham tweeted, “a disaster” and a “nightmare.”.As Monday morning wore on, he expanded his indictment. Crank Yankers is an American television show produced by Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel, and Daniel Kellison that features actual crank calls made by show regulars and celebrity guests and re-enacted onscreen by puppets for a visual aid to show the viewer what is happening in the call. Student debt is a genuine crisis, but how will voters react to having to pay for wiping out $1.6 trillion in strangers’ debt? It would be, he tweeted, “a stain on America’s honor,” and a virtual surrender to the terrorists.“President Trump may be tired of fighting radical Islam,” he wrote pointedly of his good friend. Charles Sykes is the editor-in-chief of the Bulwark. "Dial 'T' for Torment: Mini-Documentary, Two Unaired Calls.4 exclusive audio calls from Fred Armisen, Eminem, Jim Florentine, and Jimmy Kimmel. Charlie Sykes Some, however remain firmly dug into their never-Trump trenches. The price is high and the rewards turn out to be illusory. And yes, it’s primary season when you would expect the parties to focus on their ideological bases. And this was at the heart of Graham’s Bargain.Graham told himself: by staying close to Trump, he could influence him and prevent horribly bad decisions. How would Sanders’ plan to tax all stock and bond transactions play in a nation of 401K holders?Voters may recognize the unfairness of the Trump tax cuts, but will they be willing to put the economy and their own personal finances at risk by voting for radical policies that include trillions of dollars of new taxes and sweeping government regulation of the economy?And are they really ready for nationalized health insurance that.The frustration here is that Trump is eminently beatable and Americans are clearly ready to move on from Trumpism. Soon.MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes is editor-at-large of the Bulwark. As Charlie Sykes, now a prominent anti-Trump commentator, announces he's endorsing Joe Biden for president, Urban Milwaukee's Bruce Murphy revisits Sykes' past as a hard-right Republican radio host in Milwaukee, responsible for decades of denouncing liberals and while modeling himself after Rush Limbaugh. It was a cri de cœur from Lindsey Graham, the lament of the sycophant scorned. Betraying the Kurds would force them to align with the Assad regime and Iran and would ensure the comeback of ISIS. Graham, who had given up so much self-respect to prevent just this outcome, was not even in the room. He didn’t even get a text.This is the thing about Faustian bargains.
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